Important Note! (Please Read First)
Thank You For Applying To Adopt A Cat from Mississauga Humane Society!
This application is our way to get to know your family, your experience and expectations so we can best match your family to the right cat!
Filling in this application does not guarantee an adoption.
In order to be considered a candidate for adoption you must:
You must be over 18 years old
You must have valid government issued ID (Drivers License, etc)
Consent of all adults living in the home
*Please note, due to COVID-19, we are experiencing longer wait times, increased inquiries, and have reduced resources. We appreciate your patience as we work as quickly as we are able and we take all of our application in order of their arrival. We evaluate each application individually and make decisions that are best for the cat you are applying for.
Thank you so much for applying and keep safe and wash those paws!
Animal Name
First & Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Primary Phone Number
Primary Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Co-Applicant Name (Optional)
First Name
Last Name
Primary Email
Please describe your type of residence (e.g. own a home, rent an apartment, etc.)
How long have you lived at your current address?
If you rent, please list your Landlord’s full name and contact information (phone and/or email) (Optional)
Please list the full names and ages of all adults and children currently living in your household
Please list all your current and past pets (up to 5 years ago), including ages, breed, and current medical status
How much do you plan to budget for your pet’s care each month?
Why are you interested in adopting this animal?
In what circumstances would you not keep your new pet?
Who will be primarily responsible for your pet?
Why should we adopt to you?
What is the latest time we can contact you in a day via phone? (Optional)
Please list your last Vet Clinic, with Doctors Name, and Clinic contact number
What age range are you looking for?
Special Needs
Is there a plan for the cat if you fall ill, and can no longer provide a home?
What is your age range?
18 and Under
What is your occupation? (Optional)
How many hours, on average, will your pet be home alone?
If adopting a kitten; where will your kitten be kept when no one is home? (Optional)
Are you planning to declaw your cat/kitten
Are there any smokers in the home?
No one
Yes but only outside
Yes but in the home
Are any in the home allergic to cats?
Have you ever lost, or had to rehome your pet?
Are your animals up to date on their annual vaccines?
Are your current pets spayed/neutered?
What are your plans for the new pet when you go on vacation?
What brand of cat food do you plan on feeding your new pet?
Is your entire immediate family in agreement with the decision to bring a new pet into your home?
Are you prepared to commit to a cat for 15-20 years?
Have you or any member of the home been charged with cruelty to animals, or negligence in animal care?
Where will your cat spend most of their time?
Outdoors Only
Indoors Only
Outdoor and Indoor
Barn Cat
Anything else we should know? (Optional)
Would you like to be added to our mailing list?
How did you hear about us?
Googled "Adoptable cat/dog"
Instagram Post
Facebook Post
By submitting my application, I acknowledge that my information will be stored with Mississauga Humane Society and I have accurately represented all answers above.
I Agree