About Us
Mississauga Humane Society (MHS) is a registered non-profit, no-kill charity, founded in 1999. We have grown over the years, but the mission remains the same: to save as many animals as possible.
The organization runs on the unpaid labour of an extensive network of passionate volunteers and our dedicated board members. Our volunteers rescue and foster hundreds of cats and dogs every year in Mississauga and beyond.
Having many caring foster homes enables us to work closer with our community and allows homeless dogs and cats to thrive in a home environment until they are adopted. Many of the animals we get into our care have had rough starts, behavioral issues, and their self-confidence shattered; our foster homes provide a nurturing and loving environment to build up these hurt souls to become their best selves again!
Fundraising events, donations and sponsors cover essentials: food and medical expenses until the cats and dogs are placed into permanent, loving homes. Every dollar raised, every volunteer hour goes only towards the welfare of our furry friends.
Our charity registration number is 89912 7526 RR0001
Mississauga Humane Society board members are long-time animal advocates and volunteers. All members of the board are unpaid. Together, we support homeless animals by fostering, fundraising, and recruiting sponsors, foster parents and volunteers.
We are always at work, securing resources to support cats and dogs in foster care. Spare time finds us on the road, delivering staples and furry creatures or on the computer, getting the message out to animals lovers who want to help. We are busy with website and social media updates, emails and voicemails, but we're always happy to hear from you.
The new board is committed to transparency and ensuring a positive, fulfilling experience for volunteers, who are the lifeblood of Mississauga Humane Society.
2019 was our 20th year in the community. We are reflecting on animals we've helped for two decades and we are excited about what's to come. Like our new website! Please bear with us as we transition from MississaugaHumaneSociety.com to our new .ca address.
Mississauga Humane Society is also now on Instagram! We hope you'll check us out as we're posting some sweet cat and dog photos you won't want to miss!
We are looking forward to a new decade of service to animals -- fresh faces, fresh ideas and many success stories of lives changed with happy placements.